May 27, 2007 10:03
So the other day I was in a Japanese/Asian food buffet. To the table on the left of me, there was a family with a little girl perhaps four years old? Happily munching away on "exotic" foods. This faimly was caucasian. The little girl still in a booster seat, was enjoying seaweed salad, sashimi and other items. A woman to the next table to them said she can't even get her 10 year old to try any of these items.
So, this made me wonder, when did my horizon broaden beyong italian and american chinese food from being my ethnic food choices? I know my parent when we were just babies would take us to italian and chinese... but when did I start liking other foods? Thai, Japanese? etc. I certainly can say in college I started liking sashimi. But before that, I knew I was afraid and skeptical at eating raw fish.
Are our society's habits changing? Are parent's more willing to introduce items at a younger age, more willing to let the kid try new food items? Is "exotic" food just more availible now?