Sep 09, 2006 22:44
So today one of my customers had a wedding, Myself and a co-worker who is an aspiring photgragher respresented. It was interesting, to say the least, I had more fun that I thought I was going to have, when I would only know two people there. The customer, "J" is an older woman whos husband passed away from a terminal illness in January(I think.) She then met the man, Jerry, at some point. Shortly, a couple of months, I had heard of their engagement, and today they got married. A nice simple ceremony, followed up by cake and gelato. It being at Rossmoor, a retirement community, there were a lot of people present, many of them being of the community, so that being said a lot of "grandparent" age people. But, they were having fun, and J and Jerry kissed so much, we all wanted to tell them to get a room! So, I guess I found it odd for the speediness of the thing.. from introduction to marriage, but I guess at their age, you can't really wait that much longer. Much singing was to be had, as I guess a bunch of them are in an informal choir. Even though I didn't catch the bouquet, I was given it as the woman who picked it up didn't want it. A Beautiful bouquet containing roses. Score one for me. So all and all it was a nice event, and I think J was happy to see some of her "walnut Creek Working force" at the wedding. Her faith is Mormon by family, so she didn't want to admit to her family, that she frequents Sbux on an everyday basis purchasing *gasp* coffee beverages.
Another guest there was a 20 something year old guy wearing Havaianas. J mentioned in passing he just came back from Brazil, and I asked him in portuguese if indeed he spoke it, a little bit he responded, and I told him I train in capoeira, and well so did he. After the ceremony we chatted a little bit more about capoeira. I told him my grupo, meu Mestre, my grupo's headmaster.... no look of recognition on his face. AT all. I could understand him not hearing of Mestre Itabora, he is known but isn't as big of a name as say, Mestre Marcelo, Mestre Acordeon, Mestre Peixinho, Mestre Barrao. He never even heard of Grupo Axe Capoeira. Probably one of the fastest growing capoeira groups in the world. No Mestre Barrao. He says he trains with Mestre Nestor, I guess in Rio, but I couldn't really decipher if that was the case, he mentioned it was down the block from his girlfriend's house, who happens to live in Brazil... He saus he has been training off and on for three years, and never has visited the other academias in Rio...?.... But really, what I found astonishing, was if the guy loved capoeira so much, he didn't know his lineages, or the history and contemporary knowledge of people and groups. I am by far still a beginner, but my Mestre taught us well to learn as much as we can, learn about different groups and people, I know who people are. I have been honored to meet a few "names" as well..... At least I know my roots of where I come from through my teacher and his knowledge.