New 50's slash!
Has anyone noticed how slashy Andy Williams is? Well I have ;) and he's adorable. Don't believe me? I have quite a good number of video evidence now. I especially like when Andy sings with Jobim on stage, they're incredibly warm and cuddly and playful with each other. You can look that up on yt but the quality is awful. If you want to see them sing in all their stark couply-ness it's free to play on netflix 8D
But this video of Andy, Vic and Bobby is really cute too. Eddie Fisher calls Andy 'Bubula' X3 while 'teaching' him and Bobby Darin to sing Do RI MI and it's just the cutest thing ever. BTW, anyone else think Andy and Bobby are getting really flirty with the singing? Cuz i do...
There's also a video of Johnny Mathis singing with Andy and Mathis can't stop staring at Andy or cuddling up next to him. Looks like someone has a crush!
Click here for the link because you won't regret it if you're like me! Click to view
And FYI, for those of you who like Frank/Dean slash and you know who you are, there was an Andy Williams interview on yt where he said that he and Frank were friends but what Frank and Dean had was different. 'They were very close' he explained... ;3
(If anyone's curious about watching the interview or anymore vids drop me a line, don't be shy)