Top 10 Gayest Frank Sinatra songs *_* and I mean *gay*!

Nov 26, 2007 15:43

1. The Trolley - OMG, so freakin gay, it's amazing he didn't get slammed for singing this...

2. Lover Man (Where Can You Be?) - the title says it all ^o^

3. Party's Over - Do I have to explain the 'I'm in love with a man' bit?...

4. My Buddy - the ultimate boyfriend melody. Also sang by Dean here... do I have to explain all the gay, I'm being ( Read more... )

dean martin, gay, songs, frank sinatra, jerry lewis

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Comments 24

magpie_05 November 26 2007, 21:37:29 UTC
OMG, these are awesome! How do you *find* these things? o.O Sifting through a database of Frank song lyrics...? *_* I'd never have the patience...but these are super incredible and you rock, hard X3 'The Trolley' is super adorable .^_^. happy ending! Aww... And 'Satisfy Me One More Time' *_* Very hot... And the hotel one...kinda sad, but mostly sweet and romantic .^_^. And 'Party's Over' reminds me of that story you told me of Frank's reaction to that girl trying to hit on him )-': And 'My Buddy' of course reminds me of Dean/Jerr, even if it's Frank's's perfect for them, and so *sad* )-':

But yeah, REALLY need a copy of these songs now X3


ravynnerune November 26 2007, 21:42:04 UTC
no, I really really *do* but I bet they're in lock-down or something cuz they are soooo incredible gay!

Do you have any idea how long it took me to find that bloody picture? yeesh...


magpie_05 November 26 2007, 21:38:38 UTC
And picture, yay! X3


magpie_05 November 26 2007, 22:27:51 UTC
Yeah 'We’re a Couple of Swells,' 'Party’s Over,'
'The Trolley,' and 'Lover Man (Where Can You Be?)' aren't even listed on wikipedia's list of Frank songs :-/ Yeah, guess they can't hide the gay in those. Poor innocent public, apparently they need to be kept safe from the scary man-love that Frank dared speak of. Ugh >.< Do you think Frank might've had a hand in keeping it hidden? At first, sure...but it seems silly to keep the charade up for so long...but 'old habits' I suppose. After so long of just *not talking* about it, why educate anyone at all? That is, from Frank's pov anyway...*ours* on the other hand... Spread the joy ~_^


ravynnerune November 26 2007, 22:47:28 UTC
Never trust wiki anyway, people'll go on there and take off stuff they find morally objectionable...

Me, I spread the joy as much as I can.

I don't think Frank hid it that much, especially not after admitting his love for Dean and telling Anita Bryant to shove it if she didn't like it.


magpie_05 November 26 2007, 23:04:26 UTC
That's *true*, very good point X3 I love that so much .^_^. And I really need to get a copy >.>


ravynnerune November 26 2007, 23:32:57 UTC
I found a boxset for the entire 'roast' collection for $399.99 >.>;;; daaaamn.


pilotofmymind November 27 2007, 02:57:40 UTC
Whoa, those songs are so extremely Gay.

But i think that number seven is about his son?

Oh my Frank, You old hound dog you~
Oh yes Dean does have a nice but~ I envy Frank for getting to smack it~


ravynnerune November 27 2007, 03:07:41 UTC
Yeah, you're probably right about the seventh one but there were several other like that that also seemed extremely *perverse* to put it nicely. *_* so maybe I'll replace that one with another that's really gay but not about nymphets... don't like it when the kiddies are involved anyway XP

O, reminds me of a song Dean and Frank spontaneously sang on stage together: 'You made me love you, you woke me up to do it!' O.o these boys... what can I say?


pilotofmymind November 27 2007, 03:14:41 UTC
Yeah cause it says Frankie and Junior, Well Frank seemed a little bit like a pervert some times too. You should because that might be about his son Hehe, and I think alot of his sons are alot gayer any way? Knowing Frank.

Hah, Gotta love those boys, they broke all the wrong laws in all the right ways~
That's a funny song title too.


ravynnerune November 27 2007, 03:20:09 UTC
Well, I did know it was about lil' Frank but even so, no getting around the *gay* so I posted it anyway ^^ but now Im'ma gonna make a tiny altercation to my master plan.

Hmmmm, which one to use instead? The one where he's singing with Sammy, or Dean and they're singing *about* Sammy, or can I get something better... so many choices so little time...


magpie_05 November 27 2007, 03:35:30 UTC
X3 'Both Sides' essay! Best thing ever ~_^ I should go read that again *_*


ravynnerune November 27 2007, 03:45:43 UTC
As a matter of fact, I should too...


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