Nov 17, 2006 02:43
I FINISHED THEM BOTH!!! THE WEEEKEND IS MINE! (WELL OURS) BUT STILL!!!!! THE PAPERS, THEY ARE FINISHED! TAKE THAT SOCIOLOGY, YOU CAN BITE MY SHINEY METAL ARSE!!!!! finaly. it took ffffoooorrrrreeeeevvvveeeerrrr! but i did it, i can even get some sleep tonight! only 1 class tommorrow, then i come home, vaccume and put my sheets through the laundry for zack's sake then go to my dr. appt filly my prescriptions and GO TO GAINESVILL!!! hooray! Our 1 Year Anniversary wont even be shadowed over by the thought of unwritten papers or crazy school like madness! nor shall thanksgiving, i can devote my time to family and helping zack to study for his upcoming test!!! FREEDOM!!!