Aug 10, 2006 11:59
TODAY (yesterday) WAS MY BIRTHDAY AND IT WAS 1337!!! TOTALY!!! Zack and i slept in till 1 (although everyone kept calling and waking me up to wish me a happy birthday) then we went to breakfasst/lunch at bennigans with Chance (who has teh same Bday) and DAnielle. I got to wear the wonderful dress i sewed for myself last week, and it turned out AMAZING!!!after brunch Zack and i came home where i baked myself a delicious red velvet cake w/ cream cheese frosting and sprinkles, the way i like it, and put the finishing touches on my dress (Zack played metroid!!) at 7 we went to Yamato for Habachi w/ Cahnce, DAnielle, Mike and chances mother and family. after that we went to one of Chance's friends houses where we played Smash ( and i played mario3 on my gameboy micro) oh the hours of entertainment... while we were all playing smash Zack dissapeared to his brother Matt's apartment for an hour or so then returned. after smash we went to Matt's apartment where Zack surprised me with a ROOM FULL OF BALLOONS!!!! it totaly ROCKED my world!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I <<<<<<333333 him sooooo much!!! then he gave me my presents a DS Light and the new Super Mario GAme1!!1!his parents/family got me a 1337 sake set which matches my 2 person oriental dish set (its al pretty and gr33n and black!!!) and then we all played in the room FUll!!! of ba11oons!!! and finaly after a great day we came home to relax and go to bed since we have a full day tommorrow ( used bookstores, fabric stores, and goodwill hunting for suede to butcher into a 1337 Hax0R link costume for my sweetie!!! anyhow thats it for the night ( tommorow is sadly my last day in gainesville so i must make tonight entertaining ( ; then its off to WPB to visit mommy and daddy... night night world!!!