So - I've been home all day - and I have to say - I'm kinda annoyed at the weather people.
I was going to go in to work this morning - it wasn't that bad. But noooooo - the BIG ONE was coming!!!! More Snow was On The Way!!! Stay Off The Roads!! My Boss - said to stay home - so I did.
Now, I have been sitting here - all day - right next to a window. Granted - I have left this spot to heat food - use the potty - y'know - stuff.
I have seen no monster snowstorm. I will admit that perhaps I missed it while I was heating food (in the microwave) or in the potty. BUT - the snow does not look appreciably higher than it was this morning when - as I mentioned - I was going to go to work. So I have - essentially - just wasted a personal or vacation day - for no good reason.
We are not amused.
Granted - I got laundry folded - and got to spend the day talking to
purpura and
captain_wdrake - which is certainly a wonderful way to spend a day. But I hate using up time if I don't have to - especially since I wanted to take some me time once the weather got nicer.
Oh well - at least it gave me something else to put up here - right?
(Postscript - Much love to
nounsandverbs - who helped me figure out how to link to users and kept me from smashing my poor computer - not only can he write - he's killer tech support!)