Theatre Experiment

Apr 12, 2010 14:48

So I'm going to try an experiment. I'm going to audition for everything that I can and then write about it.

The Rules
1) I will check the Callboard every Monday morning to set up my auditions.
2) All auditions/performance must be within a 10 mile radius from my home.
3) If cast, I must accept any role and write after each rehearsal/performance.
4) I do not have to go to auditions that are in the middle of rehearsals or school (that would be ridiculous).
5) I do not have to go to auditions that have a conflicting performance schedule to a show that I am already in (rehearsal schedules may be a different story, as it seems like all the actors in Portland that I meet are in about three shows at once and I wanna see how the heck they do it!).
6) If for any reason, I am cast in two shows, I must accept the role in the show that offered first.
7) I do not have to auditions for choirs, orchestras or troupes. There is no way I am gonna try to be in like 6 choirs at once or something inane like that.

I will do my best to write about all the details of the auditions and welcome any feedback regarding clothing, audition pieces, or anything else that may pop up!

So, as it is Monday I will get cracking. I went to an audition yesterday, so first I'll write about that!

Sunday, April 11th
Show: Rent
Theater Company: Stumptown Stages
Audition Piece: Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me from The Rocky Horror Show
Outfit: Black pinstripe pants, black empire waist shirt with see through bellsleeves, black skull socks and black chuck taylors.
Hair: Down with clips
Makeup: skyblue eyes with black eyeliner, foundation & lip gloss

Even though I had a belly dance rehearsal to get to at 3:30 pm, when I read in the call board that Stumptown Stages was putting on a production of Rent, I figured I should probably go. The audition notice asked for something 'in the style' of Rent, but as far as I can tell the only sheet music I have that meets that requirement is the actual Rent sheet music. Most of the sheet music I have is pretty over-the-top musical theater. Oklahoma! Jekyll & Hyde, Cinderella... that kind of stuff. And although I love rock operas, I don't have any of the sheet music. The main reason is that I am a terrible belter. I never got the hang of it and it just sounds silly to hear rock songs that normally are belted sung in a smooth, controlled voice (unless you are listening to Richard Cheese or Max Raabe).

When I called the theater to squeeze in an audition time, it was 12 pm and they set me up for 2:05pm. Another thing to note is that I have not auditioned for a musical since Toxic Avenger, which was like 5 years ago or something. The best I could do on such short notice was whip out my sheet music to The Rocky Horror Show. I had often sang "Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me" at karaoke, but never with a live pianist or without a touch of liquid courage. Whatever. It was the best I could come up with.

Lawrence's keyboard is set up in the office, and all I wanted to do was play an E flat so I could make sure the key was right for me, but as soon as I pressed the red button that said "start" a cacophony of drum n' bass beats from 1985 blared from the speakers and almost made me pee my pants. I immediately pressed the button again and decided that I will never touch that thing again.

I resorted to going online to find a virtual keyboard to find my E flat, and as far as I could tell everything was as close to my range as I could hope for.

I headed over to Theater! Theater! on Belmont, listening to Modest Mouse, but trying to sing my song over the top of it. It sort of worked.

Once inside the building, I walked to the front desk to sign in and immediately heard a "Hi! How are you?" from behind me. It was my Group Vocal teacher from PCC. I should say my Group Vocal teacher from a class that I dropped after 2 sessions. She didn't refer to me by name, so I'm not sure if she knew where she remembered me from. I had remembered talking to her during one of her classes and she said that she was on the board of directors for Stumptown.

As I moved toward a random bench, a voice called out to me again, "Ravyn?!". I turned around to see Helena. She played the Minister in the production of Tommy that I directed. I was surprised to see her, but when I thought about it, I probably shouldn't have been. I don't think there is one Portland audition that I haven't seen her at! She certainly is one determined lady.

Helena got called in to audition in the middle of our reunion, so we quickly said goodbye and I resumed my seat on the bench. I could hear Helena's operatic voice from the lobby. She was singing Sensation from Tommy. I tried to eavesdrop on some auditioners' conversations but I think I started spying too late because I have no idea what the hell they were talking about; some manner of burlesque show I'd guess.

I was called directly after Helena, which I hope looks good because my name should also be on her resume as her former director. I handed my sheet music to the pianist, who happened to be wearing a Rocky Horror shirt. The song went okay. I had a little trouble with the timing because I kept forgetting that the pianist is supposed to be following me, not the other way around. I also had an annoying nervous knee that kept wobbling, but my nerves thankfully stayed mostly out of my voice. No cracks or anything embarrassing.

When I finished my 32 bars (actually 32 & 1/2, but don't tell), the director said, "Great job! That was fantastic" which I hope is something they don't say to everybody, because if it was that would kind of suck. He didn't mention anything about callbacks, but he said that they would be making a decision by Wednesday. Right then, my former teacher came in and sat down with the other 'judges'. I guess she had been on a food run so I have no idea if she heard any of my audition at all.

For the most part it was a pretty painless audition. I didn't have to wait around and everyone seemed to know what they were doing. The only thing that concerned me is that there was no discussion at any time with conflicts or even when rehearsals would be, besides from the fact that they were to start on a certain date. Republic County (the show that I am in right now) closes one weekend before Rent opens, so I don't know how that would work, especially since I have school in the evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays until June 9th.

Today's Call Board
Comedy Of Errors - Portland Actors Ensemble - I cannot go to this audition because of Kat's wedding and Republic County rehearsals.
King Midas & Murder at the Orient Express - Beaverton Summer Theatre - Audition is during Republic County rehearsal
Present Laughter & Murder in Green Meadows - Magenta Theater - Theater is too far away
Lend Me a Tenor - Cascades Theater Company - Theater is too far away

That's it for now. I will try to be good and write an entry tonight after Republic County rehearsal.
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