Jul 13, 2009 06:59
I really think I prefer this site to any other social site I use, minus twitter, because twitter can be updated from my like 7 year old piece of shit phone. Going over my old entries shows how much I've changed since I started this journal 6 years ago. I've gorwn up a lot. I'm still not the happiest person in the world but compared to who I was in high school I'm Mister fucking Rogers. I have a small circle of truly amazing friends that I'm sure I'd die without. I have hobbies keeping me busy, unfortunately I'm not working but I'm not too worried. Working on unemployment and also trying to find a job, albeit not looking as hard as I could be. Still on the lonely side of single, but again, I'm not letting it keep me down, at least not too often.
More to the point of this entry is remembering the people that I've lost touch with over the past 6 years on this LJ and in person. Now facebook has helped a bit, but I'm still unable to contact a few people that used to be large presences on my LJ and in my life. Angela most of all, actually. The last time I saw her we hung out for a while at Flatirons Mall but haven't really talked since then, and I believe this was about a year, year and a half ago. Also people I hadn't met in real life, but still tend to comment every once in a while like Reena. I look back and see all the ridiculous fights I got into over comments on posts. If that happened nowadays, I'd just sit back and laugh, and I know that's kind of funny for me to say because, if I recall correctly, it happened on a semi-recent post of mine. At this point, I miss the past but I do NOT want to go back. It's a memory, sometimes fond, sometimes not, but not something I'm willing to forget. Any part of it, for any reason. I mean sure, there are moments where I'm all "I wish I was still with _______ (insert appropriate ex here)" but it's fleeting. Things happen for a reason. Things end for a reason. Whether that's my fault, their fault, or just the way things go, it's really not of any consequence.
Now one thing that has basically just come to the forefront of my mind is integrity and also following things through til the end. Not that this particular thought in any way, shape, or form has ANYTHING to do with anything I just wrote, I just really thought I'd throw that out there.
A few other things. I'm considering making every post from this one forward public. I made the journal friends only in response to some drama back a few years ago, but now I really see no reason to hide from the world. Maybe it will help me meet more new and interesting people. Expanding my horizons is a new goal of mine, meeting as many people as possible and not being so closed off to the people already in my life. I think that's good enough for now.