May 11, 2006 21:51
There is noting like a good old stroll down memory lane... Then you hit the big ole pot hole in the middle of it! There are so many thinkgs that i can't seem to block out of my mind, from the past. Just how stupid I was and the people I had hurt along the way just so I could live with myself better. I know no use in kicking the crap outta myself now about it all but its hard when you can't just apoligize about what you did in the past.
My biggest pet peeve right now is people asking me if I took my meds.. WHO THE FRICKIN FRACK gave YOU the idea you were the keeper of ME? Yah sure its apparent I am ADHD... BUT DONT RUB IT IN! I didnt get on the damn pills for me, cause I had fun being all impulsive the last 23 years! HAHAHAH! WEll IM not shy, I dont give a damn how many people know im on stuff for my hyperness! LOL
I don't know... whens the proper time after a divorce to start dating? Im perplexed bout it.