Jul 19, 2005 16:07
Ok, first of all, I hope someone smacks the living fuck out of J.K. Rowling. Really, I do. **Hisses and scowls** Anyone who has finished "The Half-Blood Prince" will know why I think this way. And I'm sure I'm not the only one!! HOW DARE SHE?!?! **Sniffles** Although, honestly, it is both the best, and the worst book of the series. Read it and find out why. And oh yeah, if Trelawny ((I probably spelled that wrong, I think I'm missing a vowel..)) were a real person, I'd hunt her down and kick her in the knee-cap!! Calling Firenze a nag and a common horse!! **Scandalized gasp**
Right. Anyway. **Blinks and pretends nothing happened** Forgive me, I am merely an over-zealous Harry Potter fan. As I've said many times before, yes, I'm a complete geek, I admit it. Love me anyway, or don't. Whatever.
Life is rather complicated. It's like, Fate says "Ok Lexxi, you can be happy for... ten seconds. But no more!" and something bad happens. Or, not always something BAD.. But.. **Sighs** This latest development has DEFINATELY complicated things quite a lot.
Why does everything seeem to be working against me? Maybe I was a mass murderer or something in a former life. I don't know.. But it sucks!!! Just once -ONCE- I would like to have a long period of time where things actually go RIGHT.. Just once..
Yes, ok, I know I'm babbling, and no one understands what the hell I'm talking about, most likely. But deal with it, 'cause I'm not going into details yet. I desperately need to speak to two very important people before I go blathering on about it in my journal. Bad things happen when people find things out second-hand. **Nods**
Anyway.. Moving on.. I haven't gotten to see "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" yet. Lack of funds and people to go with, you know. Hopefully I'll be able to see it before it goes out of theatres.. Wish me luck, aye?
Give in to the given, and put out the light.