i feel like i should update. i guess it's an organizational thing for me.
01. auditions continue tonight for steel magnolias, the play my father and i are co-directing. we had an excellent turn-out last night; 16 people showed up. we could have cast the damn thing then. my mother tried out, and read beautifully for m'lynn, the lady who finds out her idiot daughter is dying because she ignored the doctors and chose to have a baby despite her diabetes. i cried, kind of a lot. it was a fantastic performance, and i guess seeing my mother convincingly pretending to be in agony does something for me. it's not the first time; she played a woman with terminal cancer once and i fucking bawled the whole time. although the worst was when my dad played a man with alzheimer's. broke my heart to watch. i think it was because i sympathized with the mental illness aspect, and the absolute helplessness. my parents are getting older, and i guess eventually they will have to deal with stuff like that. so will i. but i can't really think about losing either parent. my dad was almost a best friend to me growing up and losing him would the worst possible thing that could happen. but i guess there's no sense in worrying about that now.
02. grades.
japanese ii: b+
survey & practice of digital art: b (only one person in the entire class got anything in the a range)
precalculus: b+
literary interpretation: b
classical mythology: b
i think i can live with myself. i kept my scholarship for another year, at least. (note to self: stop being a lazy fucker and finish registering for fall classes)
03. gotta get a job soon. dnw. this sleeping in til 3 or 4 thing is really working out for me. maybe with this economy i won't be able to find one? here's hoping.
04. my mom just lost her job. she's the very best special ed aid in the school, but the asshat principal let her go because he's intimidated of her. if she doesn't get the decision overturned she'll have to seek employment elsewhere. i'm not worried about the lost income, but it sucks that she is so fucking good at what she does and yet this jerk is petty enough to fire her for it.
05. i'm going to see roger on the 9th. hopefully we can work through this crippling depression thing. he'll probably just tell me to start taking the meds that don't work. we'll see. i'm starting to realize just how much i crave control over my life. i think that's part of the reason i refuse to take medicine for the conditions i have. i can't stand to be reliant on something like that.
06. i've been on the treadmill five or six times in the last week. i get restless and i have to do something, and then i push myself until i am literally having an asthma attack (even then i don't stop). i'm glad i've found a way to make my ocd work to my advantage.
auditions again tonight. my dad is so organized, it really is something to behold. and i kind of love being his secretary. :D