Mar 23, 2004 00:11
hmm... i think i MIGHT just let mr dobleman down and not to my presentation. its only 5% of the presentation. all i need to hope is that i did the modeling and the analysis correctly. hmmm... if ONLY he gave us those papers back, THEN i probably would have had it done by now.
i should be doing my powerpoint right now. im on my eleventh slide and its 12:13 (and yes, i KNOW i go really slow ok???). goshness... im jsut not used to this damned thing. and then i have to worry about taking tests tomorrow (one school and the other for future advantages). ::sigh:: i really need to reread the pamphlet too... dang... ima fail. ima fail badly...
on to more 'gentle' subjects. i received information that i got good grades on two, yes count them TWO, tests. one for adv sem (amazingly). i got the highest score and i didnt read 25 chapters of the book. i feel sorta bad, like im cheating out the people who actually DID take the time out to read it. i think i got the best probably because i got through with all the questions, like, i didnt leave ANY blank and i probably got a lot of partial credits. bc i heard lots smart people either skipped stuff or didnt finish. hmmm... no wonder i got the highest on the curve. it raised me up like... 6 or 7%!!! so now i have a solid b/b+. woo! wait, im regressing, last semester i always got at least an A-... crap...
the other test was algebra II although i knew the score already, it was nice seeing evidence. i was so proud of my 88%. i really came from not knowing CRAP of that unit to learning courtesy to matthew, elise, etc. thank goodness. that was probably one of the few times i was happy that matthew called because he explained everything to me, granted, he explains in more complicated ways than needed, but im used to it. most people like...ask me to translate what he says to them. either that or i just butt in and like, tell them bluntly what he meant to say. it cracks me up every time.
::sigh:: i must go and find important events of England. the only good part of this assignment is that i have england in which i am actually INTERESTED rather i dunno, just a different one that i dun feel like researching. i MUST go to england...MARK MY WORDS, ONE DAY!!!