* Yuna has joined #anime
Yuna> hello ppl
Rurouni> Yunie!
* Yuna laughs
Fuu_Hououji> hi yuna ^_^ (hugs)
* Yuna hugs back
* Rurouni tickles and huggles Yunie
Rurouni> =)
Yuna> i've been withought electric all day...
* Yuna giggles and hugs back
Jonus> hello Yuna
Fuu_Hououji> ouch.. what happened?
Yuna> yi
Yuna> hi
Yuna> oops
Yuna> bad wind
* Jonus hits Yuna over the head with a foam bat
Yuna> hey now!
* Yuna hits jonus back
Jonus> heh
Jonus> it was foam
Yuna> i know
Jonus> foam cant hurt you
* Yuna grins
Yuna> really?
Jonus> dont do it
Falcon> Hey Yuna
* Yuna drives over jonus with a foam tank
Falcon> I got the 17th Angel in that last quiz you sent Fuu
* Yuna smiles...'do what?'
* Fuu_Hououji casts healing wind
* Jonus tips the foam tank over
Jonus> hahaha
Falcon> o_O
Yuna> noooo!!!!!!
Yuna> my tank!!!!!
* Yuna gets mad
* Yuna gets mad
Sylph> yeah doesn't work, fuu chan
* Yuna is now known as LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> lol
Piro> lol
Jonus> must.......resist...........devil woman.........charms
Piro> hi nissa ^^
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl rubs up against jonus...purring
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> hi
Sylph> mmmm cold ><
Sylph> cya
* Sylph going to sleep now...
* Sylph hugs everyone tight
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl hugs back
Falcon> cya Khaine ^^
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> night!
Fuu_Hououji> take care sis (huggles)
Fuu_Hououji> see you soon ^_^
Jonus> wow
Jonus> Khaine leaves first
Jonus> see you space cowboy
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> lol
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl purrs some more
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> can't speak jonus?
* Jonus blinds himself
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl laughs
Jonus> evil!
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl casts heal on jonus
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl bats her eyelashes at him
* Jonus gives in
Jonus> I live to serve you, catgirl goddess
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> lol...i'll brb
* Rurouni hops on Piro-chan's lap again and cuddles
* Jonus thinks to himself "No, fight it! What of your dignity, you are Jonus!"
* Fuu_Hououji is now known as Maya
* Piro is now known as Merle
Jonus> oh this ain't funny
Merle> meow
* Jonus faints
* Maya makes pancakes for every budy them nuxxles merle
Maya> nuzzles*
Maya> can't spell tonight
Maya> sorr jonus
Jonus> too many catgirls
Jonus> cant stay focused
Ravox> jonus is going to expload
* Merle licks duckys head
Maya> sorry
* Jonus slaps himself
* Maya is now known as Fuu_Hououji
Jonus> noooooooo
Jonus> go backto Maya!
* Fuu_Hououji is now known as Maya
Falcon> o_O
Jonus> weee
Merle> you heard the man hehe =^.^=
Falcon> what's witht he Maya preference Jonus??
Maya> you fancy fuu more than a catgirl? (giggles)
Falcon> Hey Piro ^_^
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> hahahaha!!!!!!!
Jonus> Maya is the definition of a sweet catgirl
Jonus> no
* Maya blushes
Jonus> I am just extremely happy
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> my friend wants to know if were all having cyber sex
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> lmao!
Merle> lol
Jonus> all I need is Pink, Natsuki, and Celas
* Maya blushes bright red
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl laughs harder
Maya> don;t forget hikaru-san
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl falls over
Merle> lmao
Ravox> ....
* Ravox burns himself out of his eyes with a hot stick
Maya> she is a catgirl, sometimes
Jonus> sometimes
Jonus> sometimes
* Merle play with maya's tail tring to catch it
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl wipes a tear from her eye...ok...i feel better now
* Jonus snaps a photo
Falcon> o_O
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> god that was funny
* Jonus slides up to Lulu
Jonus> so.......how have you been?
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl jumps on jonus
* Maya rolls on her back and gently bats merle's nose
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> fine, and u?
Jonus> .....
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> hey baby
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> what's shakin?
Jonus> well, aren't we friendly
Jonus> better now
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl purrs
Jonus> I think the chat room is what's shaking
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> lol
Merle> lol
LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl> ok, i'm stopping before i blush or go into hysterics
* LuluTheNaughtyCatgirl is now known as Yuna
Maya> need some bromide jonus? hehe ^_^
Yuna> bromide?
Jonus> no not really
* Merle smiles and push maya playfully
Maya> it represses sexual urges
Yuna> ahhh
Jonus> you two seem awefully playful
Yuna> lol
Yuna> yeah
* Jonus tosses merle and Maya some catnip
Merle> mm..
Jonus> nothing like adding gasoline to a small fire
* Maya pounces on merle
Jonus> oooo
* Maya sniffs it cautiously
Maya> huh?
* Merle roll on back
Jonus> Ya know, I think when I finally make my catgirl manga, the girls are gonna smoke catnip
Falcon> what is catnip made of anyway??
Maya> why? I know cats like catnip, mot much more
* Maya nuzzles merle gently
Jonus> catnip is a cat drug
Maya> eep
Falcon> ic ^_^
Falcon> thought it was an equivalent to feline alcohol
Maya> is it a stimulant or a depressant?
Jonus> stimulant
Maya> well, alcohol is a drug
* Merle nimble on maya's paw
Falcon> well so is a valium, but it doesn't have all the properties of alcohol
* Maya licks meleres paw
http://membres.lycos.fr/djeanno/fuu/hikaru/hikaru001.jpgJonus> yes
Sylph> i might be back in hours...
Sylph> but may ass well sleep
Sylph> nite nite
* Sylph hugs tight
Jonus> Alchohal is my drug of choice
Merle> night sis
Falcon> cya Sylph
Yuna> night Sylph-chan!
Jonus> woohoo Super deform!
Jonus> noght Sylph