crap I need to get done

Jan 25, 2009 12:28

Ok... it's time to finally sit down and make that to-do list I've been yapping about.

At the very top of the list, must be LOOK FOR WORK AND FIND A DAMNED JOB.

And then... all the domestic, crafty and geeky stuff. Starting with a few things that need to get done today, followed by some ongoing projects and things I want to get done sometime soonish.

- clean the litterbox
- laundry
- clean my CPAP
- spring clean the bedroom, living room and kitchen (washing walls, moving furniture and vaccuuming, etc.)
- organize all the paper crap in the house
- move all the stuff off my desk, wash down, clean the inside of my computer, and put back together
- get 2nd desktop machine up and running
- hook TV up properly so I can watch TV as well as dvds
- start working on new viking garb
- organize knitting needles
- untangle messed up yarn
- start a knitting project
- organize piano music and start practicing again
- Burn DVDs
- rewatch Firefly
- get corkboard for jewelry organizing
- start exercising

to-do lists

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