
Sep 18, 2009 08:35

Since I got home from work yesterday before the boy had left for work, I requested that if I was asleep when he got home from work last night, that he please not wake me up. Normally he does wake me up when he gets home, which interrupts my sleep and results in a very tired Maddy the next morning. Last night, I went to bed at 9:30, was asleep by shortly after 10, and because he didn't wake me up, I slept right through until 6am, and it was LOVELY. Sleep, wondrous sleep.

I went back to chiro on Tuesday, after having taken 2 weeks off from it due to being sick, and was told that I'm pretty much all done with my treatment! I have one last appointment today after work, and he mentioned something about coming in once a month for maintenance, but we'll see if that's really necessary. I'm feeling almost back to 100% now, so I'm rather thrilled.

I've been seriously lusting after a bunch of stuff lately... more BPAL, some bath stuff from Fantasy Bath (but their shipping is seriously OUCH), and this yarn from YarnWench/yarnwench is seriously droolworthy:

But alas, I am trying to avoid spending any unnecessary money until that one last debt is paid off. Should be sometime in early October. Also, in the case of the wool, I already have 2 braids of her wool at home that needs to be spun up first.

I did succumb to a small Villainess order this morning, though. I've heard her Birthrite scent is amazing, and I believe it's a limited edition, so I wanted to get some before it disappears. Besides, that soap the boy has been bringing home from work is killing my poor skin.

ian, crafts, retail therapy, health

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