looking for new SCA friends

May 25, 2009 10:27

Now that I'm "officially" back to the SCA, and all fired up about SCA and participating again and doing service type stuff, I have decided I also want to work on losing this shyness I have and meet new people.

I know, you're probably thinking... what shyness??? I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be, and over the internet I'm a lot less shy, and once I've been introduced to a person, the shyness pretty much completely disappears. But I am absolutely horrible at introducing myself to someone new out of the blue.

But there are so many people out there who Do Cool Stuff and who I could learn from even just by talking to them or reading their LJs, that I am asking this favour of those of you on my friends list who are in the SCA and in An Tir: who should I know? Who do you read who I don't, who Does Cool Stuff and would be cool with me reading them? I know I could just go through your friends lists and friend people randomly, but I think it'd be cooler if I got a few recommendations and could say "So-n-so sent me because they think you're nifty".



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