a new me, sort of

Oct 06, 2014 07:14

Originally published at ravnsdaughter. Please leave any comments there.

It’s been a heck of a long time since my last post here, though when I logged in to start working on this one, I discovered that I’d had two in the works that I’d forgotten about. Oops. In any case, since the last time I posted, I’ve found out that there is a big reason I was such a horrible blogger all these years… I have ADHD. Yep, I’m 38 years old and I’ve been diagnosed with what has typically been labelled a child’s disease, and in particular a young boy’s disease. As I’m now learning, that’s not accurate at ALL… and there’s a lot more to the disease than people think.

The diagnosis has been amazing and liberating for me. I’m on medication for it (Concerta) and it’s been nothing short of miraculous. Seriously, I feel like almost a whole new person. This is what has spurred me to go back to posting here, now that I can actually remember to post regularly. So yes, I’m back, and I will be posting frequently from now on.


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