Originally published at
ravnsdaughter. Please leave any
comments there.
Well, I hadn’t intended to use posting about a completed goal as fodder for a blog post again quite so soon, but I just have to today.
On my list is the goal “get a job outside the legal field”. When I moved to Fort St. John, my intent was to take a job outside the legal field right away, and stay out of law permanently. I ended up getting a job as a legal assistant again though, by somewhat of a fluke, and worked there for 8 months of this year. Due to circumstances that were essentially beyond my control, that did not end well, and I’ve been looking for work again for the past 2 months.
Well, I’m looking no more! Earlier this afternoon, I received verbal confirmation of an offer from the local community college. I start on Tuesday! Yay!
Tonight I’m up in Fort Nelson visiting the Hubby, who is working up here for most of December. He took a temporary gig to hold him over until he goes to school in January. It was a long drive, but I missed him and I’m enjoying the evening of snuggles.