hello December

Dec 01, 2013 21:21

Almost every year for as long as I can remember, I’ve attempted to use Holidailies to get myself into regular blogging. Has it ever worked? Nope… not a chance. Well, here I am doing it again. The proverbial “they” say that if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten… so this time I’m doing something different. I’m FINALLY just accepting the fact that my memory has gone to complete shit, and writing EVERYTHING down. I have this coil notebook that goes everywhere with me and I’m writing down everything and consulting it often. I’m writing down my to-do list, things I’ve done (because I do things not on my to-do list and then I can look back at it and go “oh, I really did do a lot today”, notes for things I have coming up (like details for the job interviews I’m going on), and so on. So far it’s working quite well.

In other, more interesting news, since I can’t really imagine the details of how my broken brain works being all that interesting to anyone but myself, we moved last month! We had zero intention of moving again less than a year from when we arrived in Fort St. John, but our landlady at the Longhouse (my name for our last place, as it was a mobile home, and therefore long and narrow) decided she no longer wanted to be a landlady. Thankfully we found a place that suited our needs extremely well, and we’ve been here a month now. I’m getting really really close to having it all set up just the way I want it, too! Ian’s been working out of Fort Nelson recently (which is 4 hours north-west of here, and therefore he’s put up in a hotel by the company he’s working for), so I’m bach’ing it right now. It’s actually been really nice, considering how introverted I am, and I’ve been getting SO much done not having to worry about anyone.

And now it’s early to bed with me, so that I can be early to rise… this seems to be how I function best, not to mention it will allow me to go to the pool first thing in the morning when no one else is around, to boot!

(cross-posted from ravnsdaughter.net)
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