A good influence

Dec 18, 2010 21:43

I am fairly certain I'm not a person to really be left alone with children.
Not that I put them in any kind of danger - quite the contrary really, I'm incredibly careful and protective - making sure they don't get hurt.
On the other hand...I'm not always a very good influence

Children usually either love me or they think I'm the creepiest thing in existence.

Yesterday I travelled from Aberdeen to Norway. The plane was delayed and I spent a good while in the waiting area.
A mother, a father and their two young sons where opposite from me.
Now...I had only had about 4 hours of sleep the night before, and the night before that again, about 5 hours - so I looked like hell.
Wearing what looked like an army jacket and with hair uncombed and rather messy, I can't have seemed like the friendliest person in the world. (Slouching in my seat and sitting like some sort of gangster didn't help much either I am not a very dignified person when tired)
Yet this one kid still decided to approach me
I smile and give a little wave, out of shyness he runs back to his mother and it isn't really until I'm eating a packet of crisps that the kid takes any interest in me again.(he wanted some…I did offer him and said it was ok - this made him happy)
His mother apologises again and again. But I tell her it's ok. After a few minutes I have a small boy on the chair next to me, excitingly trying to show me his sticker/colouring book.

At this point his mother is rather convinced I’m not some evil satanic person and starts talking to me. Apparently...she loves Norway, finds it a pretty place with friendly people and because people love to tell me their life stories (Yes, I’m talking to you mister Taxi-man) she and her family are moving to Houston (I told her it's a nice place...I speak from experience)
I wasn't a bad influence on that kid... (but I might have taught him a swear word or two by accident)

but...today my mother had a 'small' Christmas family party
Her parents, uncle, sisters and cousins all came over for coffee, cakes, Christmas cookies and chocolate (and wine, whiskey, beer and what not)

one of her cousins have two very young children.
the boy is 6 the girl 3(and a half)
I ended up entertaining the little girl after a while because I had little to offer when the conversation started being geared into business management.
and after emptying out a lot of building blocks she discovered a Mr. Potato head set...

needless to say she wanted to  play with him
after several various combinations she stated she wanted to make a 'man"
however, she gave Mr. Potato head high heels, long eyelashes and any other 'feminine' accessory we had in the box. when I remarked it was hardly a man she looked a bit upset, so I quickly recovered and told her it could be a man dressed as a woman - because you know..that's normal' and acceptable :DD

she loved the idea

yeah...I did get a slightly weird look from her mother when the little girl proudly proclaimed she had made Mr. Potato head...Her mother tried to correct her by saying it would me "MRS. Potato head" but the reply was simply 'No...it's a man dressed as a woman'

Teaching kids about transvestites - I am a genius

I know I corrupt my brothers...(music, clothes, movies...yeah)
but expanding my weird influence onto second/third cousins is a new height/low for me :D

next I think I’ll aim for teaching her about gay marriages…should be interesting


These things spawned this...



Norway KICKED Denmark's ass in 'handball' today!
Tomorrow we go against Sweden :DD
bwahahahahha XD
*wtf self..since when did i care about sport?*

family, kids, traveling, home, fanfic, norway

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