Hi hi folks! =D
I've been super busy lately so I've mostly been stalking egl rather then actually posting anything!
I was involved in a Warhammer Fantasy roleplaying game since the start of last semester, so since about christmas. We just finished up the last session of the game last night and omg was it tense! We were all brought through chaos (bad magic) and offered anything we basically wanted if we would side with the demons and betray the party. Out of character I so desperatly wanted to take it but my character was stupidly moral and I knew she would also know it was a trick. Turns out most of the party did the same as me however my boyfriends character and my other friends character betrayed the party. I'll admit it. I was pissed! My character totally trusted Wolfgang (my boyfriends character) and by this point we had all gotten attached to our characters so to be betrayed in game ended up pissing me off to no end. My character was basically forced to run away (being the only female character in the party) because when those two turned on us it made the fight close to impossible and I was sooooo annoyed. It was funny afterwards because I was pissed at my boyfriend despite the fact that he did nothing. He admited later that if it had been the other way around he would have been just as angry. It was so funny thinking about it later though. It was like getting angry when a character in a video game betrays the party. I suppose when we play something that often we become so attached to the character that they have a bit of you in them so when something like that happens you take it personally. Anyway it took me a good hour to get over it because I was so angry! Our characters surivived in the end and the two betrayers were left on the island alone, knowing that the chaos gods had tricked them, so it all ended well in the end. I found it so funny how emersed I got into that game at the end though because it hadn't been my favorite rpg that I've played. I'm currently taking part in a Rogue Trade Warhammer (40K?) game at the moment as well which is being run at the moment and daaaaamn does my character kick ass in it. Anyway enough of my nerding on that subject.
I'm still recovering from Brocon at the moment. It was an exhausting 3 days and not having a day off work afterwards just made it a very difficult week to get anything done. I think it went well though. I was stressed out majorly on the saturday and run off my feet and I did two interviews for different things and am doing another one on monday (despite me only being secretary on the committee). It was funny because before the convention because of my co-op job I didn't get a chance to do an awful lot of work but on the day I'd say I probably did an awful lot of the work, which I really wasn't expecting. People on committee wanted to participate in different activities themselves and someone else had to cover for a GM in an rpg who had to leave which left me, alone, to deal with everything that the main committee would be taking care of. Worst thing was afterwards when I was told by people that "oh you could have just come and got us." which was kind of aggrivating. I didn't get to see one of the only things I really wanted to see because I was too busy rounding people up, making sure everyone was happy etc. but the others just all took part in the things they wanted to take part it. Quite aggrivating I will admit. But all in all the convention was a success, even if Sunday was an awful lot quieter then Saturday. All I know is although I may staff next year there's no way I'm being main committee, being in 4th year. I think I did so much work over the weekend to make sure that The Anime and Manga Society didn't get a name for hosting a poor convention, being president and all. Anyway rant now over! =P I still had fun after all of that and that's what counts at the end of the day. We're already starting to think about next year as well! 8D
On Monday night I went to see Toy Story 3 with my friends and since it's only been very newly released I'm not going to say anything about it that would be considered spoilers but oh wow that movie is amazing. I mean seriously wonderful. By the end I was crying soooo much. It's a very upsetting movie, especially for people my age who grew up with it as children. It was kind of like it was putting closure on the end of your childhood, I felt anyway. It also made me feel really guilty about growing up. I mean I still play games and such and I always told myself that I would like myself be as childish as I want but when I see the new first years coming into college and going the games society I start to notice just how much I've grown up in the last few years and I think it does actually bother me quite a lot. I start to worry that I'm becoming boring and arn't as fun to be around as I was when I came to college first. It's funny though because I don't want to grow up and grow old in personality but I can't wait until I'm older and I can get married and so forth. It's very odd but I can't help but feel that being in a serious relationship does that to some people.
Oh my I really need to post here more often. When I don't I end up just posting blocks and blocks of text! XD;;
I'm completely in love with the Wizard of Oz Baby the Stars Shine Bright jsks! They're so rare though I can never find one! At this point I don't even mind the colour anymore as long as it's not pink!
I've decided that if I'm going to nomcon I'm probably going to try to cosplay as Mio from K-On! even if most people don't know who she is. I'm going to make the dress and everything myself as well (or atleast I'm going to try).
I was originally going to go as Yui and if someone else wants to actually do a group cosplay with them I would consider it but I love Mios outfit so thats why I'm going to stick with her for the moment.
Only a month left of wwoooooork! I really need to knuckle down though, I have exams in 3 weeks or so! *gonk*
Does anyone else use tumblr?