Hi guys! As anyone who had been following my journal can probably tell I just did a fab revamp of it! 8D I have to admit I adore it!
I've been on a complete lolita craze at the moment! I have actually been on one for quite some time but I've also found that it is helping my diet quite a bit! (
Wanna hear more? Click Here! <3 )
And black is a better choice for the skirt thingy you were trying to choose between. Just think how you'd feel going on Public Transport in WHITE??? (O__o) It's easier to hide small stains, and also you don't attract as much attention from skangers.
I find they're like moths to a flame towards anything white. I think they're looking for like-minded types, but then they see YES, It's White, but NO, it's NOT a polyester tracksuit, and they get angry and confused. XD
That is a very good point that I didn't even think of! Stupid skangers, preventing me from wearing lots of white! XD Plus Ill probably get more wear out of the black one anyway, since i have lots of colourful tshirts and such.
Just be yourself, darling! ^^ You could kick anyone's ass in shiro loli anytime xDD
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