Lotsa shat

Aug 24, 2003 21:17

Ehh, lotta stuff today, might as well start now.
Got my schedule yesterday for school... so here it is:
  • A - Chemistry Honors
    Mrs. Lowthers
    Not too bad, same teacher as my brother has though
  • B - Integrated Applications Honors Chemistry
    Mrs. Saunders
    fUCk... grrrr (oh well, 'Fart-Spray Can' time)
  • C - Spanish 2 Honors
    Mrs. Van Boven
    Who? Is that her first name?
  • D - Algebra 2 Honors
    Mr. Ventimiglia
    Will he ever just quit the damn
    job... what a fuckin bitch
  • E - English 10 College Prep 1
    Mr. Telles
    I'm being switched into Honors...
    Damn screw-up office peeps.
  • F - ROTC Drill Team
    Same old same old
  • G - United States History 10 Honors
    Mrs. Beringer
    I Bee-ringer? Bear-inger? Beer?

Well now, I have to sleep soon because I have to get up at the crack of the dawn of 7:00 for double sessions. Sucks, but I like soccer, so better tough it out.
I went to Stage Pork Fart today for the Tae Kwon Do picnic and all us tall people played football and soccer and Ultimate
against the younger people. We let them win... really.
There were lotsa people at the Park today for other stuff too. Girl's Soccer Team was there for their annual picnic, fake indians for their "Pow-wow" (definition: flea market with white guys dressed like the guys who sang the YMCA song). I made sure to stay clear of the powwow.
The only reason I got a chance to go to that anyway was that the Scavenger Hunt was postponed for wednesday, so I am not going (gotta stick wit my band peeps, yo).
Well, good night. Early morning tomorrow (7).
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