(no subject)

May 10, 2011 19:46

Topic: Censorship

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience on the faults of censorship


Attention Getter: Organizations and individuals continue to call for the censorship of books, websites, magazines and newspapers on the basis of "obscenity" or "maintaining public order."

Reason to listen: "Censorship of books and other publications is the most significant threat to modern media."

Thesis: The Freedom of the press and right to free speech is threatened by Censorship.

Credibility Statement:
1. There's a time and place for certain topics in media, but avoiding the truth is not one of them.

2. Censorship in the press only serves to control an ignorant mass.

Preview of Main points:
First, I will define the Free Press.

1. The First Amendment guarantees the freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, press, and petition. These provisions have become the cornerstone for the freedom of expression enjoyed by American citizens and the legal justification behind the struggle to prevent censorship.

2. The freedom of the press, as defined by the Constitution and refined through the rulings of state and federal courts, protects the rights of an individual to publish any printed material that he or she creates, regardless of content, and also protects the right of media institutions to publish political statements and cover news.

3. Although the freedom of the press originally referred to print media, it has been extended to cover broadcast media and most recently Internet content. There are three basic rights covered under the freedom of the press: the right to publish, the right to confidentiality of sources, and the right of citizens to access the products of the press.

Second, I'll talk about the dangers of censorship.

1. When censorship is proposed on a publication it is called a "challenge."

2. The two main reasons for a publication to be challenged is because it's either "obscene" or inappropriate for certain masses.

3. To put it shortly, obscenity is anything found offensive

4. Many books that were once classic literature are now viewed as obscene and are taken off of shelves in libraries. Works such as the Harry Potter series, are such works that are challenged.

5. In the past during times of war, books with seemingly subversive material were banned. The Cold War for instance banned all books on communism.

6. The Communications Decency Act was passed in 1996, this prevented anyone under the age of 18 to see publications on a computer that's considered obscene.

Third, I will discuss the Challenges of the 21st Century.

1. The Patriot Act granted the government the power to consider any publication that they found "dangerous" and shut it down for private consumption.

2. In 2006, certain media outlets such as the Lebanese Media Group were targeted for challenge from the assumption that they were recruitment tools used against the United States.

3. Whether the Lebanese Media Group was recruiting for terrorist organizations does not negate the fact that government censorship must be closely scrutinized whenever it occurs. While the government must be free to protect the populace from terrorism, the courts have repeatedly upheld that the Constitution gives each American the right to decide what types of media are appropriate for private consumption.

4. Although terrorism is illegal, American citizens must have the right to seek out information about terrorism if they are to make informed decisions.

5. Net Neutrality lingers closer every years and the internet is not well represented under the 1st amendment.

Finally, I will discuss the future of the free press.

1. Citizens must be free to seek out any media, regardless of content, that they deem appropriate for entertainment, information, or education. Denying the rights of the consumer, in any area, is one of the hallmarks of authoritarianism.

2. The freedom of the press is currently under attack by persons and interest groups who wish to impose moral values through legislation, and by corporations who want to subvert the press for financial benefit.

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