(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 09:39

I'll post this now: I'm leaving Tuesday, and I have so much to do before then that you probably won't see much of me (online, that is). But my old Telus e-mail address is going to keep working even after I move - for a small fee, Telus is going to let me keep my webmail account, so that's still a valid way of getting in touch with me. This journal, too, and the City of Doors for those who are roleplaying-inclined, will be excellent communications mediums. I will also give out my new phone number in Kingston once I arrive there and am assured that, yes, this is actually going to be my phone number. Apparently they can't promise me anything in advance.

Everything seems to be going well for the move so far, aside from galloping seasonal viruses launching an assault on the household. I haven't been getting much sleep, which isn't helping in the least, but most of my stuff is either (a) packed in suitcases, (b) packed in crates awaiting shipment via FedEx, (c) packed in boxes awaiting transport to my mother's house, or (d) already at mom's. There's still large amounts of cleaning to do and other running around that is scheduled, but so far it appears to be a winning battle.

Anyway, as of tomorrow I won't have any steady 'Net access for the better part of a week...might be able to tap a wireless hotspot once I hit Ottawa, but don't expect to hear much from me for a while.

Although it isn't like i really use this thing much as it is.
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