Happy Birthday, Sweden + Aymie's bday part 2

Jun 07, 2009 00:52

I'm glad that I cosplayed as Finland today~~ XDD I DIDN'T know Sweden's bday is actually today.. XDD

For my Sweden in Indo~ LOL

Me as Finland with Hanatamago~
Taken by bubblefire~ thanks, hun~

Hint cosplay photo:

glorfindel as Lydia
breathless_ness as Edgar
moonblader as Kelpie
from Earl & Fairy
oohhoohhohohhhohho~~~ athira helped me making this~ Thank youu~~ XD

I'll upload the rest of the photos tomorrow... oyasumi~~

Oh, Happy belated bday to Denmark-san~ XD

EDIT: Anyone knows BECK?

Apparently, they will make BECK Live Action with Mizushima Hiro and Satou Takeru~ XD

photo, hetalia, birthday, movie, cosplay

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