It's about the Tenimyu stage in Hiroshima where I'll be going. well, I can't read kanji so I need ur help..
Where is 広島厚生年金会館? Can u tell me how to read it? ^^a;
this the same place? So the musical will be held in a HOTEL?! O_o; I was wondering how much is that per night. It seems luxurious but if it's cheaper than I imagine, I might stay there so that I dun have to walk/take transportation to go there.. ^^;;
Well, I need the address of it.. not in kanji but in romanji please? ^^;
thanks in advance~ *huggles*
Anyone in my f-list go to see the performance in Hiroshima?
since I got the ticket, I can't sleep properly.. thinking how I can get there.. ^^a;;