(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 21:16

I figured since I freaked out yesterday I should share the new happens at my house.

My shower did get fixed by the time I got home from work yesterday.  She also brought this random guy up to put in my ceiling fan. So two out of my three big issues are now fixed.

The other thing in the laundry list of things that went horribly wrong with my day was that my internet connection wasn't working.  I called the company and they said it was because some grey box in the basement had been unplugged and the system was running on the backup battery.  In typical form, I called my LL and she wasn't home.  So I had to venture into the basement to see if I could figure out where the unplugged box was located.

If you know me at all, you know that I HATE basements.  They scare me tremendously.  And this is the SCARIEST basement I have ever seen in my entire life.  I have actually been in root cellars that are less creepy than this.  I think it is actually the playhouse for Jason, Freddy, and Leatherface (the guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre).  I seriously thought I was going to get jumped or killed or the house was going to collapse and bury me alive or the spider who had completely covered the ceiling was going to catch me in one of the webs and I was going to be eaten.  The only way I even had the courage to set foot in there was because I was talking to my mom on the phone the whole time and I figured if I got cut off or screamed REALLY loud she would called the police or the army to get me the hell out of there.  And the saddest part was that after I risked life and limb to go down there...I couldn't find the damn box they were talking about.

They did come up early today and fixed whatever was wrong with it, so all is right in my world again.

Let's see for today...
I went to

work (shocking I know) where I got to go to a meeting that I had no need to be at, I skipped another meeting (cause I didn't know where it was at the main hospital and I get creeped out if I get lost in hospitals) where I am sure I was volunteered to do many more things, and I poked at some work that is sitting on my desk for me to do.  I am beginning to wonder if they gave me a lot of work that needed to be done if I could actually do it in a reasonable amount of time.  I am so used to stretching everything out so I don't get bored at a later date.

After work I got to commune with the gods of clean laundry and the sketchy people who frequent the laundrymat.  Okay so the one I go to isn't usually too bad with the people who go there, but I still don't particularly like to go.  I have decided that I am making a washer and dryer on the premises a need for my next apartment.

Then I met some coworkers out for dinner and drinks.  Let me just say that I LOVE mango margaritas!  They are yummy and they make even the most annoying of coworkers somewhat bareable.  One of my coworkers (E) has just recently decided that she is a lesbian and has started going after this other girl(S) that we work with.  Which you know if it makes them happy I am all for it, but E has to share every detail of what she is doing in her pursuit, all the details of anything sexual she does with S, and is constantly wanting reassurance that she is amazing and can have any girl she wants.  I am all for anyone who can get some getting some but please don't tell me about it all the time when you know that I am being antisocial at the moment and haven't had a date let alone had sex in a very long time. bleck.

random, life, ll rant, work rant

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