It's amazing how much easier things are when you just go with what you are given...

Nov 06, 2009 23:05

LJ decided that I didn't need to go into as much detail as I was about where my head is at currently.  So I will do Cliffnotes...

*spent the day by myself (not a bad or unusual thing) without talking to a single soul (a little texting here and there but no vocalization other than singing along with the radio)

*the universe is finally listening to me when I say I need someone to show some sort of interest in me on days when I am feeling down and lonely.

* bodhifoxgave me the word manifest the other day and I realized that it truly is the perfect word for me as of late.  All the things that I have been focusing intent upon for years are finally manifesting in the manner that I desire.  Thanks brother for giving me the framework to realize that things really are going my way.

*I think I might be slightly boy crazy at the moment.  The only reason that is odd is because it usually happens in the spring/summer when layers are removed and yummy skin is revealed.  Now I am noticing backs of heads, the shape of hands, and general stance more than normal.  Plus old sense memories from various old love interests keep sneaking up on me in the most random of places such as the guy who washed my hair at the salon.

Main point...even when I am cranky or feeling out of's all underlined by happiness and a feeling that things are working with me instead of against me.
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