5 Topics Meme

May 27, 2009 11:36

The five topics meme. Rules: if you ask for them, I give you five topics and then you expand upon them. You need to use the words "pick me" or some other variation thereof in a comment for me to give you topics. Otherwise, I'll assume that you're commenting but not wanting to play. Topics fromcrowgirl13and bodhifox


I want to hear about some creative stuff.

~Plz be talking about process and inspiration for these. [The need for death metal while sewing prompted this question, in part. :)]

~Knitting - Pretty much everything that I knit is out of necessity. One’s ears, wrists, and hands must be kept warm lest they fall off. This tends to be the most mechanical of my creative outlets in that I don’t really put much thought into the piece other than picking the pattern and yarn. I also tend to have better luck with a project if I am giving it away than if I am keeping it for myself. I end up with hats that are way too big but there are many heads (some as far away as Malaysia) that are happily kept warm by snuggly fitted caps. This also tends to be the outlet I turn to in the fall/winter since I will curl up on the couch and watch a movie whilst I knit.

~Collages - They seem to be my inspirational outlet. When I am feeling stuck or if I am looking for something specific in my life I will make a collage or two. They seem to bring a visual focus that helps me to let the universe know exactly what I am wanting it to bring my way. Though I have been known to make some that are complete randomness…I personally feel one can never have enough of that in one’s life. ;) Here is my latest collage series...I'm using it as a headboard cause a pale blue wall just wasn't enough.

~Sewing - I feel I am at my most creative when I am piecing together a sewing project. I have a horrible getting store bought patterns to work like I want them to so I go with more of a ‘futz with it til it works’ approach to my sewing projects. Which means I end up with lots of interesting ‘prototypes’ floating around my house. It is wicked interesting to me to look at or think about how things should fit together to hang/work properly though it can be frustrating at times. I am exceedingly good at ripping out seams due to this approach to the craft. And I have found that death metal is the way to go as far as tunes for sewing projects. I think it may have something to do with the chaos of the music allowing me to gain extreme focus on the task at hand. (Death metal actually has an intensely calming effect on me at any time while classical music tends to make me slightly agitated depending on the style.) The thing I love most about sewing is that I am making something that is useful and beautiful that I get to construct to my specifications.

Bikram yoga - I'd like to hear about your experience with it. What makes it different from other exercise practices you've done?

~Ah Bikram yoga, how I love thee! I have a deep love of any type of yoga simply because I love the peace and stillness it brings to my mind and body. There are very few things in this world that equal the after yoga high (amazing sex and riding roller coasters are the only other two I can think of off the top of my head). The thing that makes Bikram really unique is the extreme heat. I never really thought that I even liked heat until I started doing Bikram and now I crave the heat. It is also the only workout that I have found that actually works the whole body. I feel like I have accomplished something by just making it through the whole class and have stayed in the room. Plus it is just fun to see just how bendy I can be and what postures are going to work well each day.

And... Penguins, rabbits, dragonfly. There have been a lot of animals that have had meaning for you. Which do you feel the strongest connection to right now and what does that connection look like?

~dragonfly is taking the closest interest in things as of late. I have been going through a time of immense change on how I am viewing the world and what opportunities are presenting themselves to me. Dragonfly keeps popping up to let me know when I am headed in the right direction.

learning new tricks

~I am on a constant quest to learn new things. Even if it is just learning of a different viewpoint or hearing a new song, I tend to feel that a day is more fulfilling once I have had a new experience.


~not really sure what to say on this one…I have many, they are far flung, I don’t get to see most of them as often as I would like but when I do get a chance to catch up with them it is like no time has passed. I think that is my greatest blessing when it comes to friends. I tend to gravitate towards people stick with me even if we only chat once or twice a year.

the meaning of life
~For me…it’s all about having a good time on the journey and learning and doing as much as you can along the way.
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