Jul 15, 2005 10:54
OK! So i updated last nite 2 times....
so do not forget to read those and comment!--
yah I am talking to you!!!!!!!!
Anyways i just had a few minutes before i have to
run out for the day. This weekend is going to be
....Heres the tentative outline for the weekend....
11ish: Run to Target and get a gift for Christina's
BABY SHOWER! which i cannot wait til she
has the lil bugger! AWW! SO excited!
12ish: Come home and clean BOTH bathrooms, and straighten
up the kitchen and my room-- and when Russell gets home
make him clean and dust and vaacum the livingroom.
3: WATCH GH--of course! cannot miss a day!
5: Working at CR til 10ish
11ish: Go to the movies with my boyfriend--either Wedding Crashers
or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--(i personally would rather see WC)
2hours or so after that go home and go to bed.
Wake up about 9:30
9:30ish: take a shower(maybe) and get ready for the baby shower
til 2ish
3: go back to work at CR til 8ish
8:30ish: Maybe go home and shower if I dont in the morning and get ready for
Malzhans Going Away Party/ Keg Fest 2005--i think i might actually drink the keg!
3amish: Either stay there or go to Alexs for the nite
Wake up at like 11-12ish
Go to Alexs baseball game til like 2-3ish
3-4ish: Go home and sleep/maybe shower
6: GO back to CR for a FUCKING FLOORSET til 2-3ish
and then on
Sorry for quoting Greg Meisch--he hates me--and thats ok with me now! =) / =(
I should be nice and tell CR I am not
coming in on Monday at all...and acutally have a day off... because if
I do not... i work exactly 9 days straight! NOT GUNNA HAPPEN!
Sorry--Does that sound like I am asking for too much? COmment please
and give me some advice and courage to tell them that its wrong they
are making me work that much! k?