(no subject)

May 25, 2006 13:56

Not much going on.Had the past 2 days off and the first day I cleaned and planted a few flowers and met Brians brother's Girlfriend,not a big fan of hers,cuz she's 19,ptetty demanding,very full of herself,and immature,plus I'm not big on hanging with teens,when I'll be 23 in a few days,but other than that shes a nice girl,not someone I'd be best friends with,but as long Mark(brian's brother)is happy then thats good.

The 2nd day consisted of laundry and watching his brother play horseshoes.Then we came home,discovered we had accounts on MYspace.com and seen some old friends,from the schools we went too.I seen alot of people who I went to school with and some guy who picked on for being fat added me as a friend and now he's bigger than,go figure.What goes around,comes around.

I'm also getting a poem published in this big book of poetry.Its my 4th one and I still never win any prizes,damn bitches.Heres the poem:

My Unborn Child

I love you my baby and I always will,
Your hand in mine I will never feel,
You'll always have a place in my heart,
So we won't always be so far apart,
My love for you will last forever,
I'll count the days until we are together.

I think its short and sweet and I'm sorry if any thinks me still grieving is stupid.Its only been a month and a half and I still cry.But hopefully I will get pregnant again and carry the baby full term.

Well now I'm off to work for 5 hours.Yay! what fun.Ciao!
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