Aug 14, 2005 17:25
"When they review the debut, what if the critics hate you?...Oh Mr. Magazine, I never wrote one single thing for you. Your so called music scene, you both mean shit to me!"
Upcoming dates I'm interested in (and other people might be too) are as follows. Now, there's no guarantee I'll be able to all depends on monetary issues and whatnot...but yeah... Oh, and I put a star next to the names I want to see, but listed who else is playing with them. Oh yeah, this is all from like 2 weeks ago, haha, so some things may have been added/changed since then.
Wed - Aug 17th @ Emo's - 101X Free show, starring Kissinger and more (TBA)
(At the time, it was listed as TBA, but that was like two weeks ago and I haven't seena current chronicle, so they may have listed who else is playing by now. Either way, I would like to go to this's free! I've never heard Kissinger's music, so this will be a good way to check 'em out.)
Fri - Aug 19 @ Emo's-
*What Made Milwaukee Famous*
Head of Femur
Spinto Band
The Shells
(I would like to go to this one, but weekends are really tough, haha...I've seen WWMF before. I dunno, we'll see what happens...)
Here's a toughie, 2 shows I would love to see happening on the same night, damn!
Fri - Sept 23 - *M83* @ Emo's
Fri - Sept 23 - *The Walkmen* @ The Parish
(Not sure which I'll go to yet)
Sat - 10/8 @ The Parish - Four Tet
Thur - 11/10 @ the Parish - Metric