Apr 11, 2005 02:55
lots of stuff to update on....
first off, i'm pretty much done with my psych research. after a long and strenuous battle with SPSS, i have emerged victorious and have finished my paper for the most part. now all that's left is working on my power point presentation for LVAIC....and i still don't get how we're going to fit all those universities here at CCC...but that's not a concern of mine. anyway, my first draft goes in tomorrow morning, and that's that.
as for bio research, its officially done!!! PAS was this weekend, and it was awesome!! i absolutely loved being able to go to so many different presentations...all the people were really nice, and the hotel room had big beds and a gorgeous shower. the whole atmosphere was very refreshing--and dr. r kicks ass forever for bringing her husband's ddr pads and ps2 up to the conference ::big grin:: yay for ddr!!! :) we hooked it up to a projector, so we didn't have sound..but it was fun regardless. i also learned that dr. karnas is really good at outburst--and very competitive, too, lol. i was sad to leave, but i was glad to come home to my room full of people and stuff...
i heard that the movie night went ok, but a lot of people didn't bring movies, so the choices were slim...and a few people left entirely. val and rose enjoyed their gifts. mary got a migraine so she couldn't make it. psychic academy came back to me in one piece, along with my other manga...and sesshie was left behind by julie (but i'll take wonderful care of him, i promise)
i've currently begun seeking anger managment therapy at the offices of nintendo and co., and am being seen by dr. gamecube, who is a very skilled physician. he has me on moderate doses of phantasy star online, and it's working well...and the prognosis looks good :) no actual living things have died yet, so i'm gonna continue with the prescribed course of therapy, at least until i'm cured of research...
alix still has my alarm clock...
i bought a book that i'm excited to start reading, cuz it looks really good....
i watched christina play tales of symphonia today...
i'm running on 5 hours of sleep for this weekend, plus a neck cramp from sleeping in the van on the ride home...
so i'm going to bed. 'night everyone!!
p.s.--val, rose, n julie: I MISS U GUYS!!