He's mocking the fact that this person is genuinely concerned about prisoners, no matter what they've done. I mean, we don't want them to hurt whoever from our side that they take prisoner, we don't want them to torture them, and even if they do that doesn't mean we should do it back. There is no longer eye for an eye.
I never said we were, I'm saying that we shouldn't imitate them and be cruel to our prisoners, like they're cruel to theirs. We should show them that we don't need to mistreat the prisoners
If anything, I think we shouldn't take prisoners anymore. Afterall, they are only causing problems since people are crying and cutting themselves over the fact that the terrorists don't have HBO in their cells. Next time an enemy puts his gun down and holds his hands up, plug him in the face. Problem solved. No more prison scandal crap, no more chances of the attacker getting another chance to harm us.
Remember Doug... they never signed the Geneva convention... and even if they had, they don't follow it, so good point... WHY ARE WE TAKING PRISONERS??? Afterall, they'd sooner kill themselves than tell us what we want to get out of them, so why not save them the work... and spare those seventy virgins in heaven from having to spend an eternity with a coward.
Actually at the end I thought, "What an ass."
Why is that?
Yep, we are horrible torturing monsters.
Oh wait, we aren't.
The terrorists could use more bleeding hearts. Makes their decapitations and initial war-invoking actions seem a lot less significant and brutal.
Ugh, stupid typo.
Most poor families that grow up in the ghettos receive harsher torture from their mother than we do to the detainees.
I am against serious torture, but I am also against pampering the terrorists. They're friggin' terrorists, nothing more.
These actions aren't even near mistreatment.
If anything, I think we shouldn't take prisoners anymore. Afterall, they are only causing problems since people are crying and cutting themselves over the fact that the terrorists don't have HBO in their cells. Next time an enemy puts his gun down and holds his hands up, plug him in the face. Problem solved. No more prison scandal crap, no more chances of the attacker getting another chance to harm us.
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