Oct 26, 2008 16:08
Hey look! An Entry!
Yesterday was filled with many emotions from being excited to super pissed.
It started out with my dad and I hanging out while he got the oil in his truck changed. I had alot of fun with my dad since we get along well together and can talk about alot of things. Yesterday also was the Zombie Walk being held here in San Antonio which Christa and I were super excited for because we're nerdy like that.
So, around 1 or so, My older bro and his wife came over and we all started doing our make-up..or.."zombie-fying" as Christa said. I felt so dirty wearing my outfit since the previous day, Chista and I shreded our outfits and rolled them around in the mud and dirt...
I went as a zombie 40's girl and Christa was a zombie cowgirl. My older brother was a Umbrella Corp. Doctor and his wife reminded us of the old lady from Quarantine. We left around 4 to go pick up Chris's friends and this is where my mood and Christa's mood started to go downhill.. Well, none of his friends were prepared to even get ready minus 2 out of..7? It was bad. Christa, Krystina (My brother's wife), and I had to help with tearing their clothing and make-up so we didn't leave until 6..By this time, the three of us were starving and grouchy. We finally made it to the parking lot and were about to go get food before one of us passed out when one of his friends forgot their camera....and so...ran back to their car. The rest kept arguing on what to do..they were pretty unplanned. All the yelling and my stomach screaming at me to get something soured my mood and I snapped quite a few times. All his friends had already eaten so they complained that we needed to go to the meet-up spot..:/ It was lame. Things turned up a little once I finally got to eat something and the zombie walk began....but then his friends were so annoying...and finally they started complaining that they were hungry so we didn't even get to finish the walk. By this time, Christa and I were both just tired and wanting to bathe. I felt bad for Krystina too cause she wasn't very happy with them either.
All in all, it was an so-so day and I make a note to NEVER EVER GO TO ANY KIND OF EVENT WITH MY BROTHER'S FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHH
On a happier note, Being a zombie was totally rockin'. And baths rule....I soaked in the tub for about and hour to scrub away all the make-up and blood...My water was this nasty red-gray color afterwards.
never again with chris' friends.,