
Mar 21, 2010 21:21

The past few times I've gone to church (Wednesday for choir practice, and today to perform in the all-music service), there have been a couple of people sitting on the street corner holding signs that say "Pray to end abortion." At first I thought they were directly targeting my liberal Unitarian Universalist congregation, but then I realized that the church is across the street from the Feminist Women's Health Center, so that's probably the real explanation for their presence.

I was initially rather irritated, but after reading about and watching members of the Tea Party verbally abuse a disabled man campaigning for healthcare reform and shout racist and homophobic slurs at members of Congress, I just can't get too worked up about a silent protest.

So, to the folks out on the corner this morning, thank you for your respectful dissent. I strongly disagree with your position, but I'm appreciative of the way you've chosen to communicate your point of view.
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