Well..that pretty much sums up my life lately. Since the gremlins managed to eat my previous post, I'll try and conjure up what I wrote before but damn, this shit pisses me off!
I've been MIA lately since things have been positively hellish. Both of my beloved uncles, Burt and Morris have been hospitalized-they're both in their late '70's-Burt with colon cancer and Mo with pnemonia. And to top things off, I'm going to lose my job on August 3rd because my short-term disability runs out and they're probably going to eliminate my position. My surgery has been rescheduled to August 6th and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do once I get back on my feet from that. A job I really enjoyed will be gone and I already told Mum that I'll be heading back to NC. The chances of getting a really good job up here are slim and none. And slim just left town. I'll be goddamned if I'll stick it out with one of the numerous and low-paying temp jobs. I can't cut it on anything less than 30k/yr. Not with my expenses-my truck payment is over $400/mo and never mind the cost of fuel. Plus, I'll have to take COBRA if I want health insurance and with the surgery right around the corner, I don't dare go without.
I know I'll be able to find something back in NC-hell, even Mike offered me a chance to drive one of his haulers next year if I want the job. I still have my commercial license and probably half a million miles logged under my belt-driving a couple of racecars around wouldn't be any major shakes to me. (I've hauled everything from fruit to tires and fuel) It's the physical aspect...not sure if I could still do the long-haul stuff anymore. Charlotte to Daytona isn't a big deal but Charlotte to Sonoma is. Guess I'll have to wait and see....
Daytona was basically a lost weekend. Lot's of heavy drinking. I know I shouldn't have-it's not good for me considering all my physical malfunctions of late. But dammit, I needed to get away from the hell that's become my life. At least, Mike and I did some serious talking and rekindling a lot of that ol' black magik between us. Hard to believe it's been four years since we picked up where we left off all those moons ago. I know nothing short of a miracle (or bankruptcy) will change his marriage situation. You add a kid and some big assets to your portfolio and the deal is sealed. The only way he'll get out of that deal is in a pine box. But he'll put on his best face for the world, say what they want to hear and toe the line-he and I know better. Trouble is, he gets caught up in his own hype, starts believing it because that's all he's known for the past two decades. NASCARland sucks that way.
Speaking of NASCAR-they really fucked up this time with that qualifying clusterfuck. With about a dozen cars to go, dontcha think they coulda finished the bunch after the Busch race?? Track conditions would've been similar to Friday afternoon.....good grief! Lotta good boys got screwed....my heart goes out to da Saidheads....(and a certain screwed and blued big boy who's got a piece o' my heart)
Ugh...more later...gotta cleanup a wee bit o' cat barf...damn hairballs!