
Jun 12, 2008 11:51

I'm so excited. My brother and my boyfriend should be here any minute to help me move all of my stuff out of my dorm room. It's been a long year... and now it's finally over. I have one more final to take this afternoon, and then I'm off for my summer adventures, whatever they may happen to be. Probably not that exciting, considering that I plan to spend most of my summer taking classes and going to work, but at least I'll be home.

And I'm proud of myself. In approximately six hours, I will have fully completed my first year as an undergrad. With mostly good grades, too (A's and B's), not counting this quarter (Linguistics kicked my ass). I look forward to next year.

As for the summer, I really only have one goal. I want to get back into my writing. I figure the excuse of being too busy and having no place to go really doesn't hold water anymore. So, I'm going to try.
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