
Jul 07, 2009 16:09

 So I was on the treadmill at the gym today, watching the MJ memorial, which was on two of the TVs that I could see (the third was showing something sports-y), and I keep have they preserved the body? Morbid, I know. But I keep thinking; well, he died like a week and a half either he's starting to smell pretty ripe or they've cleaned and embalmed him (which seems more likely). I guess the idea of keeping a body around that long before burying it kind of squicks me.

Watched True Blood today. Definitely a new favorite. I had to restrict myself to only the first episode because I told Danny I'd be home by three. :( I should have plenty of time tomorrow after work though. After reading the book, I can't help but think that a lot of the elements in Twilight were 'borrowed' from this series. The mind-reading thing, with Bill being the one she can't hear, the whole werewolf and vampire vying for the girl's affections, and a couple other bits...made me think a little.

Eh. I'm probably just on the subject because I was forced to spend time with J. today, and he decided to announce that he thought the Twilight books did a great job with werewolf mythos. He already makes my blood boil, because he's one of those people that just KNOWS they're right about everything, and thinks they're doing the world a service by availing those around them of their opinions at every possible juncture. Ugh. Hopefully I will never have to spend time with him again, but since he seems to be friends with one of my friends, it looks like I'm going to have to force myself to be civil. Ew.
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