The Last Summerstar, Part 4

Oct 02, 2012 17:58

I left off last with talking about the Main Ritual. I should probably point out that there was also drumming and a bonfire after Main Ritual on Saturday night. I think I went for a few minutes but not very long. But I also couldn't tell you what I did that night instead. Visited with people, more than likely.

I should also say a few words about my friend Madrona's mom. Lee was an amazing woman. She was terminally ill with cancer and told she had only 3 months to live. That was prior to Summerstar. Madrona almost didn't go to Summerstar because of this. She would have stayed home and taken care of her ailing mother. But Lee wouldn't have it. She knew that Madrona needed to go to Summerstar and to be around her friends and spirit family. As I heard it, she told Madrona, "Well I guess we're going camping then, huh." So, Madrona, her husband Dale, and Lee all came to Summerstar; oxygen tanks, extra batteries, Lee's recliner and wheelchair, their regular camping gear, and all. Bob (Kendall's man) brought a battery charger so the battery for Lee's oxygen tanks could be replaced and the drained battery recharged every two hours.

Throughout the course of the weekend, Lee visited with us all and was in good spirits. When she got too tired to visit, someone would wheel her back to the tent and she'd sit in the recliner or lay down on the air mattress. What she enjoyed most was seeing how much her daughter was (and is) loved and supported by her friends and spirit family. That was really important to her and very good for her to see. She knew her daughter would be taken care of.

Madrona, Dale, and Lee all left Sunday, about mid-morning, because the camping was starting to wear on Lee. Also, Sunday was the last day of the event. Lee passed away a couple of weeks ago. We celebrated her life and held a bloat for her, as was her wish, last Saturday. She is greatly missed.

Now back to the rest of my story.

I don't actually remember much about Sunday. But a few things stand out.

At one point, I wandered around the Gaean Allusions stand, seeing if anything really jumped out at me and said, "buy me". I found this chalice with dancing women on it. Something  told me to get it, but I had no idea why. The design wasn't really something that said it was mine. I followed my intuition, picked up the chalice, and took it over to Karen so I could pay for it. I was still wondering why this particular chalice leaped out at me, when Madrona walked up. In that moment, something clicked and I knew why I needed to buy that particular chalice and who it was for. I paid for it and then walked over to where Madrona stood, handed her the chalice, and said,"Here, this is for you." She gave me her heartfelt thanks and a hug. Turns out, she didn't have a chalice. Now she does.

Sunday was also the day we all found out that this would be the last Summerstar. They made the announcement at the morning meeting. I didn't attend, but of course I heard the news from those who did. There were many upset and teary-eyed people. Summerstar meant a lot to all those who attended over the years. However, the organizers had spent a lot of time and energy organizing the event for the past 20 years and were really tired. They needed a break. So, they're taking a hiatus and plan to start another event in another year or two. Though no one's sure what form that event will take. (I'm still advocating to all who will listen that, since Tricky Pixie essentially sang out the last Summerstar, we should have them back to sing in whatever replaces it.)

I heard a lot of people talking about holding some sort of event next summer in the interim. As I said, Summerstar was very important to a lot of people. So, I imagine something will take place next year, if not as big....maybe several somethings. Who knows?

I went around and found Robin and Muria and gave them hugs and thanked them for their work over the years, them being among the chief organizers.  I can definitely understand the need to take a break and regroup. And I think they need to do what's right for them.

I also thanked the guy who was in charge of roasting the meats for the potlucks over the 3 years that I attended Summerstar. That takes a lot of work, too. I told him how much I appreciated the long hours he put in.

The time came when just about everyone started heading out. That's always been one of the hardest parts of any Summerstar. Saying goodbye to the friends (new and old) and family and to the aura of magick around the Summerstar community has always been difficult. The last Summerstar was certainly no exception. Goodbyes were made all the harder by the knowledge that it may be some time before we see many of these people again. We all drug our feet a little, I think. I know I did.

Eventually though, I took down my camp and loaded up my car. And then I went around, giving and receiving hugs....multiple hugs to certain people....and said my goodbyes. And then, I too, headed out, driving the winding road through the trees down to the highway. I started out listening to AC/DC's "Hells Bells" I think. Then, at the little grocery store down the highway a ways from the park, I pulled over, took out that CD, and put in a new one. As I continued my journey down the highway, "The Truth About Ninjas" filled my car and leaked out my open window.

And now you know....the rest of the story.

tricky pixie, "hells bells", announcement, an amazing woman, difficult goodbyes, "the truth about ninjas", chalice, summerstar

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