Status report from the world of impending-business web-tinkering

Dec 17, 2013 10:30

Hello, all!

I finally migrated my work blog over to Blogger, and there's a shiny new post up there, in which I:
  • Give an overview of my quest for internet saturation, and talk about related web-design things... I'll post links to all of my shiny internet selves (an official Facebook page and a Pinterest, mostly) once I have enough pictures and stuff up to make them worth visiting, rather than being empty husks of social media.
  • Mutter about how I need to design a company logo but am kind of crap at drawing.
  • Ponder the various cool, expensive things that I can't afford but would be great business investments in the light of doing this Amanda Palmer-style and maybe putting up some sort of donate button or GoFundMe link...  Think of it like crowdsourcing a small business grant.
The full post is HERE (if you'd like to read it and give some feedback, especially on the donate-button thing, that would make my day), and there's also a short projects list post I forgot to link to when I posted it HERE.

In other news, I have a companion cube.  It's an old-school-style tin lunch box, only a companion cube, and I use it as a purse.  I got it with Geek Points from ThinkGeek (ie, for free) as a reward for completing my holiday shopping.  :)  And El came home from a hardware store run bearing a Grumpy Cat plushie as an early Xmas gift for me.  And we saw Desolation of Smaug with a bunch of friends and it was pretty great - a couple things that made me go "hmm," but I could see their basis and reasoning, so all was good... and once again, it seemed really rushed, so I'm looking forward to the extended edition.  It's the little things that make the happies happen.

I've been doing my best to continue my cleaning binge - the big bathroom and much of the dining room got cleaned up, too, although there is still much to do - while juggling sewing projects and business preparations, although the last few weeks have seen a distinct drop in productivity...  Between the simultaneous occurrence of Furnace Trouble (think the filter just got killed by bunny fluff - will have to keep a closer eye on it in the future) and a cold snap, and the stomach bug that won't quit (I think the germs are actually gone, now, but massacred my gut flora on their way out - that, or I may be developing lactose intolerance.  Probably both.), I was definitely more inclined to hide under a blanket and poke at the internet than accomplish stuff around the house.  Getting Fallout for free from didn't help, either.  ;)

Finally, straight razor shaving is awesome.  El started right after TeslaCon, and I started stealing his razor for my legs shortly thereafter (eventually, we'll each have a nice razor, but we're restoring antique razors, and so far only one of them is up to the task).  It takes me like an hour and a half to do the full shower-shave-lotion process with a badger brush, that just makes for a nice excuse to hang out in a nice warm room listening to audiobooks and whatnot while playing with fantastic-smelling soap... it's like a private badass spa treatment (and if your blade is properly sharpened, you get WAY less razorburn than with a cartridge razor in the shower).

Now, I suppose I should get to accomplishing things... I have declared today to be the day I put up decorations and wrap presents. :)

P.S.  Oooh!  And I started playing D&D again, after a 14-year hiatus!  One of my friends started up a 3.5 campaign, and it's been hilarious, and I really missed rolling a proper dice set. 

unpronounceable designs, cerys vs. the not-so-inner slob, gaming

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