Must... blog...

Aug 30, 2010 13:39

Okay, I just realized that I totally forgot to thank everyone who filled out the polls for my anthropology of language class (found HERE and HERE)!  You guys are awesome!  I aced that assignment, too - 100% on the presentation, something like 95% on the paper (damn school, everything electronic and then you can't access it once the semester's done...)  I was going to close down the polls once I had the paper finished, but I decided to leave them open, just in case someone wanders through my old entries and feels like contributing to my enlightenment... maybe one day, years from now, it will turn into something with a large enough sample size to be semi-scientific...  :D

I have developed a horrible sudoku addiction.  Just thought you should know.  And I've been reading old Hyperbole And A Half posts.  In chronological order.  From the beginning.  I think it may be incurring some sort of psychosis.

My class schedule for the semester.  It goes like this: 
Monday: Statistics, 8am-8:50am.  Modern Dance I, 11am-12:20pm.  Archaeology of the Northeast Woodlands, 2pm-2:50.  Scottish Cinema, 3pm-6:30pm.  Repeat on Wednesday, only with an hour less Scottish Cinema, and fencing practice at 6pm. 
Tuesday:  Stats, 8am-8:50am (are you sensing a pattern?).  Ballet II, 9:30am-10:50am (haven't practiced nearly as much over the summer as I should have).  Jazz Dance I, 11am-12:20pm.  Change my clothes (or at least my shoes) and run clear the hell across campus, a journey of a about a quarter-mile, involving a trip down the longest craziest outdoor stairs ever, around a couple buildings and a construction site, and over a very windy and often icy footbridge.  Styles in Acting, 12:30pm-1:50pm.  Repeat on Thursday.
Friday: Archae again.  That's all.

Written down, it's less crazy than I expected.  Except for the Dread McPhee-Haas Post-Dance Run, which I think every dance student has to make for at least one semester.  It builds character.  Also, I have a bridge to sell you.

This schedule, of course, gets crazier if I end up getting a job in the costume shop, which I'm hopeful for, but it's a LONG way from guaranteed.  Basically, the previous costume designer* sent The New Guy a list of the people who were employed or wished to be employed in the costume shop, and he sent out an email to us on Friday, asking us to submit resumes & applications.  There are ten people on the list, plus anyone who decides to apply after the open house on Friday.  He's trying to structure the shop staff like in a professional theatre, so he's looking for: an Assistant Shop Manager, a Draper, two First Hands, and as many Stitchers as he can get out of the budget - which, given that we couldn't even hire an adjunct to pick up the slack when the department coordinator went on sabbatical (see **), probably won't be many.  So, chickens.  Hatching.  You know the drill.  But if I do get something, I will no longer be unemployed.  Admittedly, I will probably only be employed for about 6 hours a week (6 hours required for AShM and Draper, no stated weekly requirement for FH or Stitcher), and probably somewhere around minimum wage, but hey.  I did this shit for FUN last semester, getting paid is just gravy.

Anywho.  I have again failed to keep it short and spend less than an hour writing this post.  And I really need to have lunch & get my apartment cleaned up so I have space for textbooks and stuff.  Blerg.

*Who everybody agrees is made of awesome, and has gone back to grad school because she just has an MA in Theatre, rather than the MFA in Costume Design which is what the university needs in order to hire her as regular faculty rather than staff + adjunct instructor.  With luck, she should be back inside two years (sadly, this translates to "after I have not only graduated but moved parts unknown/Madison."  Dammit.)  **

** Yes, my footnote has a footnote.  That's because the queen of awesome isn't the only familiar face we're going to be missing.  The department coordinator is on sabbatical in Turkey, and the technical director (who has been with the university since he was an undergrad... in 1967...) has retired.  Without him, there is a serious risk that the entire department will fall apart.  If nothing else, we'll never be able to find anything, on top of being completely disillusioned by our lack of a grouchy, flannel-and-jeans-wearing, theatre tech Santa.

P.S.  Does anyone else ever get to the part of posting where you fill in the mood/location/music boxes and feel all weird about the fact you weren't listening to anything while writing?  And then have to put on some music just so you don't have to leave the box empty?


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