::prepares to accomplish things::

Jan 19, 2010 11:08

I was going to post a couple pictures of the view from my upstairs windows this morning, but they didn't turn out at all well, so I won't.  But it's very pretty outside today!  The trees are all covered with frost, and it's just a little bit foggy.  Plus I've been meaning to post my south-east view basically since I moved in - I live across the street from a rather large church, and if you sit on my bed my east window perfectly frames the church's GIGANTIC stained glass window.  Kickass view, especially at night (which is really the only time you can see the glass' colors, damned protective backing).  Well worth sacrificing the Sunday morning wallow (in the winter I can sometimes sleep until the 9:45 bells, but in the summer, when my windows are open?  No way I make it past the 8:30).

Anyways, it's time to get my lazy ass in gear.  Classes start on Monday*, I have work on Saturday and Sunday, and my apartment still looks like Hurricane Finals just swept through.  So, my To Do list for today:
  • Put away clean clothes (more of an undertaking than you'd think)
  • Do laundry.  Lots and lots of laundry.
  • Roll up & put away fabric (& other sewing supplies)
  • Rearrange bookshelves/put away new books (halfway there - paperback fiction and antiques are finished, next up non-fiction and oversize)
  • Dispose of biohazards in refrigerator
  • Sort through magazine back-issues - throw away or put away as needed
  • Sort through last semester's handouts & graded assignments - throw away or put away as needed
  • Hang pictures
  • Reorganize kitchen
  • Mend throw pillow and favorite jeans
  • Dust, sweep, & vacuum as needed
  • Damage eardrums with rock & roll ;)
  • Fluff couch cushion
  • Find space to store lumpy old couch cushion
Items to be crossed out as completed (motivational tool: include item that can be crossed of before you even begin working).  Or added as discovered...  ::looks scared::

* This semester, I'm taking Advanced Acting, Modern Drama, Methods in Physical Anthropology (a class with an enrollment limit of 8 because there aren't enough human skeletons for more.  Squeee!  What?  I can be morbid and creepifying if I want.), North American Indians (anthropology), and Ballet I - I'll also be adding half-semester classes in Jogging (PE requirement - also I've been feeling out of shape) and Lifeguard Training (cakewalk - my certification lapsed a couple years ago, but I've known this stuff since I was 11, and I swim like a fish).

cerys vs. the not-so-inner slob, academia

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