Christmas Wishlist and other such nonesense

Dec 17, 2006 14:46

Heya all! I know its been a while but things have been hectic and busy around here. Ill try to update more as I feel I need the stress relief. First however Id like to post my Christmas Wishlist. Ive seen alot of other people doing it so I figured Id give it a shot.

Deck of Three Dragon Ante Cards
Dry Erase Combat Mat for D&D
Monster Manuals 1-4
Races of the Wild, Stone, Destiny, Dragon
Oriental Adventures (Rokugan)

Band Tshirts!
Killswitch Engage

IPOD (or other portable MP3 Player

Games for PS2
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Incredible Hulk
Hulk:Total Destruction (or something like that)
Blade 2
Fantastic Four
Ultimate Spiderman
Any of the Armor Core Games

Atreyu (I have "The Curse" and "Deathgrip on Yesterday")
Killswitch Engage (I have "As Daylight Dies")

Thats most of it.

So yeh things are pretty busy around here with all four of us working. Ive been trying to get as much time in as I can so I can get a decent check. My last 2-3 have been pretty crappy cause Ive missed alot of work. Im pushing myself to work with fullblown flu and trust me Im feeling it hardcore. It will be worth it though.

Other than that things are going pretty good though. Me and Michelle are getting back to normal, hell Id say even better than normal which is good. I love her soooooooo much.

Ive started working out too, been pumping iron atleast 45 minutes a day. Down to 235 which is tiny for me...when I moved out here I was 280 so this is downright skinny for me. Im not seeing the change though...could be because of the way Im working out or just the fact that Ill never look skinny in the mirror. I dont care though as Im building more for strength and power than for looks.

Been doing alot of reading lately. Ill sit down for about an hour or so whenever I can. Usually its some occult book or something but Ive been getting back into the Anita Blake stuff.

So my goals right now are to study hard and get back into school so I can take my GED test. After that I want to go to college. There are two paths Im looking to take, one is to go to school for business and eventually open up my own coffee shop or comic shop. The other is Criminal Justice and become a PI/ Bouny Hunter. So coming next year Im going to be pushing to get started on these things. It will be rough and to be honest I have no want to do the work...but I gotta make a change so here we go.
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