I'm Going To Maui... ^.^

Jan 15, 2007 17:05

That's right folks... just in case you haven't read my msn name recently... I'M GOING TO MAUI!!! That's in Hawaii for all you geographically challenged people :p  The flights are booked... we leave Feb. 9th at 7am. "We" being me and Meghann! We'll be staying for ten days with my cousin who is living down there for school at the moment. We're gonna go snorkeling and hiking and spelunking (that's right, spelunking! In an extinct lava tube no less!)... and most importantly we're gonna sit on the beach and get a TAN!!! Or at least a good burn since we're both pasty winter white right now... no base tan + tropical sun = OUCH! But who cares! SO EXCITED!

In other news, it's my birthday in ten days and I think I actually want to go out and celebrate it. I was thinking possibly taking in the show at Yuk Yuks and then going to Excuses in Oshawa (I know it's not the most classy place but I seem to always have fun there... *shrugs). I dunno... we'll see what happens. It really depends on if I can find people around here that will want to go.

ANYWAYS... My mood has definitely improved over the last week... I still have my moments but I think things are on the rise! I just hope the University of Alberta didn't screw me over with my application... they haven't updated their application status website in two months so I have NO idea if all my papers got there on time (today was the deadline). And the registrar lady refuses to tell me anything so I'm slightly aggravated with them (even though they're still my top pick for schools). Awwell... Cest la vie I s'pose. I'M GOING TO MAUI! And that's all that really matters! :p

Lates yo!
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