Dec 16, 2011 18:34
Every year, around this time, I start thinking about my 101 in 1001 list. And because I have never actually come up with 101 things to accomplish in the 1001 days, and also because I never really know when the 1001 days will be up, it's kind of just a continually updated list of neat things (and some mundane things) that I want to accomplish some time in the foreseeable future. If you want to see what's on my list, I would be happy to post it sometime.
BUT. Every year, around this time, I start hunting around the Day Zero Project and other similar websites looking for inspiration for new things to add to my list. And every year I'm continually disappointed when other people's lists really just don't do it for me. No offense.
This year is the first year I think I've nailed down specifically why so many 101 in 1001 lists bother me. It's not really the number of people who are like "LET'S HAVE MOAR BABIES", because, despite my personal confusion as to why anyone would ever want a screaming bundle of potential and uselessness, I realize that most of the world likes babies, and probably thinks we need more of them around.
What gets me are the number of people who do one (or both) of two things:
1) add a bunch of "fad" numbers, to pad their list.
Listen, I don't even know what Geocacheing *is*, ok? I said that last year too, so I'm sure you can see how giddy I am to find out. Also, I've seen at least 20 lists with "Make a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11" and "tie a note to a balloon and let it go" on them. Does everyone *really* want to do these things, or is it just an "oh, that's kind of a cute idea"?
2) Lists full of mundane things
This is kind of related to the first, because I think most of what I listed up there is pretty mundane, but I've also gotten a lot of lists with "clean and organize (room)" twenty times on the list. I feel like this is missing the point of a 101 in 1001 list. It's not a honey-do list, and it's not a "geez, this shit really needs to get done" list. It's a list of things you WANT to do. And if all you want to do in the next three years is keep your house/playroom/kitchen/closets organized... I kind of feel sorry for you.