Coming down to the Wire

Oct 27, 2013 09:21

I leave for London on Tuesday. I think the bulk of the packing is done. I'm down to the stuff I can't pack until it's time to leave.

Have I mentioned how much I love my job? Because....yeah. I love my job. So much love. I have a pretty tight deadline to meet, which will probably mean I work a few hours this afternoon, but so much love.

My boss gives me my autonomy, and yet is there for me at the drop of a hat. The team is responsive when I have questions. The work is moving along very well.

We're apparently getting new computers in the next few weeks. I'll get mine when I get back. I should have an actual desk at work when I get back too. That will be nice.

Oh, and if anyone on my list lives in the Bay Area and has a Business Intelligence background and a desire to train, let me know ASAP. My department is looking to hire a trainer with a deeper BI background than the rest of the team.

Also, the company is hiring a receptionist/front office person. Get resumes to me ASAP if interested.

So....In the two months I've been seeing the new doctor and taking new medications, I've developed an interesting sort of issue with food. As an example, I'm having a 6 oz cup of light vanilla yogurt for breakfast, with a couple of tablespoons of grape nuts mixed in. I've been eating it now for about 20 minutes. It's less than half gone. And I'm not really wanting the rest.

I'll eat it. Because I know I need to...but seriously, I have no desire to eat it. Or anything else. Which isn't to say I don't get's just usually a flash of a feeling and a swallow of anything, even water, is enough to satisfy it.

A lot of days it's a struggle to make sure I get a full 1000 calories into me. Other days it isn't as hard, but it's still a lot less than I used to eat.

I'm at the point where my fat pants don't fit me, but I haven't lost enough to fit into the skinny pants. And my boobs feel huge and my stomach seems enormous, though I know I've lost some in both.

Last weigh in at the doctor's indicated a loss of 12 pounds, with probably another 3 to 5 since then (and I'm PMSing, so I'm bloated at the moment). More importantly is the blood sugar numbers which are one again approaching controlled.

Now then, on to other things. Samhain is this week. I'm taking the tarot cards with me to England, doing readings for a sale price. 12 month readings usually run $50, but for the next two weeks, I'll do it for $40 (£24.80). Traditional Celtic cross usually $30, on sale at $25 (£15.50). Payment via paypal for email readings. Cash payment in person otherwise. Ping me if you're interested.

Also, my last week there I have some room for photo shoots if you're looking for pictures of you, your family, your pets...maybe that perfect Christmas card shot? Sale price on those too. Half hour mini sessions for $30 (£18.50) for 6 professionally edited digital images. Full hour sessions for $80 (£50.00) for 12 professionally edited digital images. These are both steep discounts.

Okay, on that note....45 minutes from when I started, I finished the 6 oz of yogurt. I guess I should do something functional now.

tarot, i can't eat that, work stuff, photo shoot, travel

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