Wanted to participate but...

Sep 21, 2009 10:26

So hp_drunkenff had their first drunken contest this weekend. And I so wanted to join...except I was out of town and irritating hubby left laptop at work. But, I decide to drink anyways and write my own. But...I had no idea what the prompt was...and that left me on my own..my drunken self - mind you. Now to make matters worse, I was watching the bonus materials on Little Mermaid. Hans Christian Anderson's life was very unhappy. Little Mermaid is actually a sad fairy tale. And then to make matters worse, they had an animated feature of Little Matchgirl. A even sadder fairy tale. New commandment: Thou shall not watch sad movies while drunk. Very very bad. So I ended up writing an extremely morose drabble. I am almost ashamed to post it but..I did so want to participate. I had to handwrite it as again - no laptop.

Don't worry - I won't make you read my chicken scratch - although I am impressed how readable it is. My handwriting is no better sober. LOL. This is more of a "see...I did it" type of thing.

She swore she would stop doing this to herself. Stop the wishing, stop the pain and just get on with life the way it was. But to err is human and she continued to wish. Wish she was accepted. Wish she was the loved the way she wanted & deserved.

She sipped her wine (on her 2nd bottle) and patted Crookshanks. "You at least have been there for me all the time, haven't you old boy?" A soft meow was all she got in return. A couple of misfits you and I, no? You a half kneazle, me, a Mudblood extradonaire." Good for planning, research, and not much else it seems."

She had complinated leaving the magical world behind but knew too well she fit in no better. "I am truly between worlds, aren't I" She stared at the fire wishing ridculously for answers. "What should I do? Leave? Leave the country? We know the Ministry is useless. Perhaps I should take the offer of spokesperson. How worse can it be compared to what I have now?" She looked around her drab little flat, on a Friday night no less and realized it couldn't be. She may still be lonely and a misfit, but she would have money and do it in style.

It was a few months later, that she was at it again. Sitting in front of a fire, morosely staring at the flames, again on her second bottle, except this was in the midst of Paris, in an exclusive bar (still on a Friday night though). A young girl (the cocktail waitress) approached.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione turned to look.

"I just want to thank you. If not for you and your speech the other day, I was going to end it all. Life has been tough and I have been so lonely and depressed. But seeing you up there, after all you had gone through, lifted me up. If you could face adversary and triumph then so could I. So thank you, Miss Granger. Thank you."

Hermione nodded approiately and set her glass down. She went to her room and placed a floo call. She explained her idea & the receiver wholeheartedly agreed.

3 months later, the Hermione Granger Foundation opened its door. Treating depression & a sense of hopelessness was its mission. With such a spokesperson suffering the same thing so many other people were silently was a catalyst and they had to expand within the first month.

And in the end, Hermione was not truly lonely. She had the knowledge that she was not the only one who feeling alone and unhappy. Every Friday night, you could find her leading the wine club. Women would sit and talk and drink wine. And by the end, the as the booze flowed, the tongues would loosen, the morays (?) would fall away and truth would be told and the burden would be lighter. And the world would be just a bit brighter.

moroseness caused by Little Mermaid, Little MatchStickGirl & HCA

11:25 pm Sat. 1 1/2 Bumba Gump glass of Vodka & lemonade

Other than a few spelling errors, puncuation missing and the longest run on sentence known to man - not too bad. Extremely angsty drunk babbling though. LOL. But I did it :D


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